School Meals
We have the ‘Healthy Schools’ kite mark. Our school cooks, who are provided by Mellors and are led in school by Josie Reeves, provide nutritionally well-balanced hot meals on a daily basis. The menu is on a 3 weekly rolling cycle and changes each term. To find more information about Mellors, please click on the website link - Mellors Catering - Home
We would ask our parents to have either packed lunches or school meals for the week. This makes it easier for the kitchen staff to establish how many meals are required on a daily basis.
At present the government have provided funds so that every child in KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to a Free School Meal. The uptake of these meals in school is high as Mellors Caterers provide a nutritionally balanced meal in line with current national guidelines.
Children in EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2 will be provided with the hot dinner option unless they have a dietary requirement which has been discussed with the school / catering company.
Children in Year 3 to Year 6 will be given the choice of hot dinner, vegetarian, sandwich or jacket potato.
From September 2023 a school dinner will cost £2.50 per meal, which equals £12.50 per week. We would ask that you pay for all meals in advance of taking them. Meals are paid for on line via Parent Pay. When your child starts school you will be given an activation letter for you to activate your Parent Pay account, school meals and trips are paid for using this method. No cash is taken at school. If you would prefer to have a Paypoint Card to pay for school meals, please contact the school office.
Please use the link below to have a look at the menu available for the current term.
Please click here for Spring 2025 Menu - Week 1 (amended)
For weeks commencing: 06-01-25 27-01-25 24-02-25 17-03-25
Please click here for Spring 2025 Menu - Week 2 (amended)
For weeks commencing: 13-01-25 03-02-25 03-03-25 24-03-25
Please click here for Spring 2025 Menu - Week 3 (amended)
For weeks commencing: 20-01-25 10-02-25 10-03-25 31-03-25